It is becoming more common for smaller, privately held companies to move away from in-house management of their stocks and to move towards using professional transfer agent services. At Colonial Stock Transfer, we have expertise and experience in working with...
Financial Services
The Option of Exchanging Currency at Chicago Kiosks Rather Than Banks
When you are newly arrived in the country, one of your first priorities involves changing out your country's money for American currency. Most banks will readily exchange most foreign currency for American cash. However, banks are only open during limited hours during...
How You Should Go About Getting Your Money from a Judgement Lien
If someone owes you money, you may be able to collect through a process of obtaining a judgment lien on real estate. This process means that you have a valid claim for compensation. Obtaining a property lien requires moving through the court process. Once complete,...
Advantages of Utilizing IPO Transfer Agent Services
An IPO (Initial Public Offering) is primarily the first stock sale that your company issues to the public. It’s usually referred to as going public. Many companies complete the process by filing a 1-A, F-1, or S-1 with the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission)...
Why Choose Companies Buying Judgment Solutions
A judgment lien happens when someone files and wins their lawsuit against you, recording the judgment against the property in which you own. The lien gives a creditor the ability to take over possession of your real property if you can’t fulfill the contract...