The main problem with most types of loans is that they’re risky. Some can fall through, others can have additional costs that you didn’t see coming, among many other issues. So, when people go in for a loan, they’re probably going to be looking for something safe,...
Amy Sanchez
How to Get a Better Mortgage Loan
Ready to buy a home? It’s a smart policy to know as much as you can before you get a loan. Choose a lender A lot of first-time home buyers go to banks for financing. Few people know, however, that credit unions often offer a better alternative. If you want lower...
Tips For Purchasing Car Insurance in South Austin TX
Purchasing car insurance is a requirement of the law. When a driver is caught without car insurance, they can end up facing serious penalties. Purchasing the right amount of Car Insurance in South Austin TX is crucial, not only for the law but also for the protection...
Small Business Bookkeeping Helps Grow Businesses
If you are running a business with yourself as the only employee, then you might be able to handle your accounts with a spreadsheet or with some accounting software. However, if your business starts to grow, your accounting will become much more complex. It’s a good...
Can You Help Your Transfer Agent Help You?
It’s important to realize that though your transfer agent from Colonial Stock Transfer is working hard for you, no business relationship should be a one-way street. In other words, you should be doing your part to help your agent help you. But, how can you do that,...