If you were caught driving without your state’s minimum insurance requirements, then you may need to apply for an SR 22 insurance policy. An SR22 is a court ordered status that you remain under for a specified period of time, usually 3 years. This type of insurance can be purchased with a variety of agents and even the agent you have your homeowners or renters insurance in Atlanta with. Don’t let the idea of an SR22 cause you stress. While the process can be somewhat expensive, the right agent can make the process stress free. Here is what you can expect when you are forced to carry an SR22 document.
Releasing a Suspended
License once you have made it through your initial suspension time period, you can then apply for insurance and have your licensed reinstated. This can only be done by your insurance agent when you purchase your insurance. They will fax the state the forms necessary to release the suspension. You must ensure that you pay your insurance on time, as not doing so will force your agent to fax in a cancellation of coverage notice, which will cause your license to be suspended again.
If you have an SR22 on file against you, then you are required to carry insurance for the duration specified by the state. If you choose to move to a new state you are still legally required to meet the requirement of holding SR22 insurance, regardless of where you are moving. This means you may be forced to hold policies in two states which can be extremely expensive.
SR22 insurance is more expensive, and the state may require you to pay a fee in order to file the required documents. You will have to pay these fess upfront. Your insurance agent may also charge a fee for taking care of the required paperwork, and ensuring that your information is sent to the state in a timely manner.
Don’t make the process of acquiring SR22 insurance more complicated than it really is. With the right knowledge you can find an agent who can help you through the entire process. Make the call today so you can start the process of getting your license back.
ATI Insurance offers protection for renters insurance from several excellent companies in Atlanta.